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Who We Are

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CCA is a multi-national, registered charitable organisation that is dedicated to studying and researching the structure and nature of human consciousness, its potential, its extent, and its relationship with the external world. CCA NZ is a registered charity established since the year 2008.


The aim of CCA is that individuals can achieve a balanced approach towards understanding the external world and experiencing their inner intuitive consciousness to gain well-being and continued peaceful progress. This in turn will naturally contribute to the development of humanity and of collective consciousness, helping humanity to become more consciously aware of our universe, the relations, the meaning of life and the purpose of the questioning mind and its root.


CCA is wholly and deeply committed to helping individuals through practical philosophical training programmes to build their own knowledge, confidence and assist them to develop their structural and rational consciousness - which is parallel to achieving heart based intuitive phenomenological experience. This is achieved not only through a rationalistic philosophical enquiry, but also by observing and interviewing individuals who have attained transformation and/or raising of self-awareness through personal inquiry and experiences. This may have been achieved through self-scrutiny, meditational study, both theory and practice or self-silent-pondering and reviewing various disciplines of philosophy including epistemology and phenomenology.

Srinivas Arka

Founder of Centre for Conscious Awareness

Srinivas Arka is a World-Renowned Philosopher, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Developer of Human Positive Potential Programmes and a Founder of the Centre For Conscious Awareness (CCA) Registered Charities Globally.


He is known for his work serving communities around the world. Highly regarded for his lectures, workshops and books, his work has inspired people around the world to explore and develop their intuitive awareness, thus helping them to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life for themselves and where possible helping those around them.


CCA Values

  • The planting of more trees and preserving heritage trees

  • Reducing carbon footprint

  • Animal Welfare - treating animals with more compassion

  • Consumption of healthy food

  • Fair Trading - Encourage/promotion of buyers and sellers, both should have value and benefit; being aware of manufacturing process up to the end buyer

  • Respecting people’s beliefs and practices

  • The use of natural agricultural methods

  • Efficient use of water

  • Encouraging eco-friendly packaging and printing


Finding a balance

We believe in the practice and development of intuitive awareness.

Everyone knows the benefits of going to school, college or studying for a diploma. Education enables betterment of the human race, achieving knowledge of the world so as to share, care and contribute more within society.

When we are pulled too much towards the external life, living in a one-sided manner, entertaining ourselves in intervals between our work and our responsibilities, this in itself does not bring us complete fulfilment.

We feel, speak, think, say and do things; we are sentimental beings, with intuition, emotions and expression. Living is multi-faceted, the two main facets are: the internal life as we breathe in and the external life as we breathe out, both vitally important for us to feel fulfilled.

As conscious beings we need to pay attention to our inner growth to find peace. We will want to improve our positive thinking, emotional and physical health and move towards a deeper understanding of life.

We share, teach and train people to look into their inner realms of consciousness. After such study, through their own inquiry and experience they become transformed with new insights and inspiration.


Listening and sharing intuitively

Not always expecting people to help us, we should also help others.

Part of our happiness lies in the happiness of others, in helping people to become happier, more peaceful, positive and joyful.

We listen to those who are in need. It is not always sharing our views, worries or problems of life whether of family or professional or personal, listening to others can be the part of sharing. This part of service does not require one to have position, power or status or monetary resources to do so, just sparing a few moments in consciousness and sincerity will help others relieve their pressure, stress and strain or emotional burden. This helps us develop greater empathy. We have offered this service for many years. 

This website is part of the worldwide movement for Intuitive Conscious Awareness initiated by:

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