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CCANZ - Positive Living and Learning Series

Sunday 18 May 2014


The evening started off with a warm welcome to the audience gathered at the Positive Living and Learning event. The first guest speaker Mr Bhavesh Bhuthadia is a young creative design entrepreneur and facilitator who designs innovative products making use of reusable materials that we find normally every day. He spoke about his creative ideas and showcased his work through his neat presentation. He also facilitates others to come forward with their own ideas and likes collaborating with them.


An interlude of beautiful soulful music was presented by New Zealand Cellist Mr Tom Pierard. He rendered a good selection of classical and modern musical pieces, which was enjoyed by the audience, along with the refreshments that were provided.


The music was followed by a talk by the next guest speaker Raewyn Luchich from Trade Aid. She shared her experiences and involvement with Trade Aid, a non-profit organisation and a member of the World Fair Trade Organisation. She spoke about their purpose which is to improve producers' lives through trading relationships and to raise the level of knowledge of trade justice, to actively encourage better environmental practices and the application of responsible methods of production.


The talks were interactive wherein the audience participated in a question-answer session with the speakers. Everyone enjoyed the evening which gracefully concluded with an expression of thanks to the guest speakers, music artiste and the audience.

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